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Huang, S.; He, J.; Chang, S.; Zhang, P. M.; Liang, F.; Li, S. Q.; Tuchband, M.; Fuhrmann, A.; Ros, R.; Lindsay, S.*, Identifying single bases in a DNA oligomer with electron tunnelling.
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Huang, S.; Chang, S.; He, J.; Zhang, P. M.; Liang, F.; Tuchband, M.; Li, S. Q.; Lindsay, S.*, Recognition Tunneling Measurement of the Conductance of DNA Bases Embedded in Self-Assembled Monolayers.
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Huang, S.*, Nanopore-based sensing devices and applications to genome sequencing: a brief history and the missing pieces.
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Chang, S.; Huang, S.; He, J.; Liang, F.; Zhang, P. M.; Li, S. Q.; Chen, X.; Sankey, O.; Lindsay, S. *, Electronic Signatures of all Four DNA Nucleosides in a Tunneling Gap.
Nano Letters
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Lindsay, S.*; He, J.; Sankey, O.; Hapala, P.; Jelinek, P.; Zhang, P. M.; Chang, S.; Huang, S., Recognition tunneling.
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Chang, S.; He, J.; Lin, L. S.; Zhang, P. M.; Liang, F.; Young, M.; Huang, S.; Lindsay, S.*, Tunnel conductance of Watson–Crick nucleoside–base pairs from telegraph noise.
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Chang, S.; Huang, S.; Liu, H.; Zhang, P. M.; Liang, F.; Akahori, R.; Li, S. Q.; Gyarfas, B.; Shumway, J.; Ashcroft, B.; He, J.; Lindsay, S., Chemical recognition and binding kinetics in a functionalized tunnel junction.
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Tuchband, M.; He, J.; Huang, S.; Lindsay, S.*, Insulated gold scanning tunneling microscopy probes for recognition tunneling in an aqueous environment.
Review of Scientific Instruments
,2012, 83 (1),015102
Address: Prof. Shuo Huang Room A220/A221 School of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering
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