Featured Event

  • 2024-08-14 10:00 AM G211 Chemical Building
    Prof. Stephen Goldup Mechanically Chiral Molecules: Synthesis and Applications
    Associate Editor of Chemical Science, Professor of Chemistry (University of Birmingham) (Poster) (News)
  • 2024-06-20 02:00PM H301 Chemical Building
    Sarah Rainford How to Publish with Impact - an Editor's guide to peer review
    Deputy Editor, Royal Socity of Chemistry (Poster) (News)
  • 2024-05-13 10:00AM H201 Chemical Building
    Prof. Yuri Tulchinsky Sulfonium-based Ligands and Metallocavitands for Homogeneous Catalysis
    Hebrew University of jerusalem, lsrael (Poster) (News)
  • 2024-05-11 11:00AM H301 Chemical Building
    陈湧 教授 “多糖+”分子组装体的构筑与生物功能
    南开大学 (Poster) (News)
  • 2024-05-11 10:00AM H301 Chemical Building
    刘育 教授 超分子多层次组装及功能研究进展
    南开大学 (Poster) (News)