- N‑Acyl Amino Acid Ligands for Ruthenium(II)-Catalyzed meta-C−H tert-Alkylation wit...[2019-12-21]
- Cp*CoIII Catalyzed Site-Selective C¢H Activation of Unsymmetrical O-Acyl Oximes: Synt...[2019-12-21]
- Bond-Weakening Catalysis: Conjugate Aminations Enabled by the Soft Homolysis of Stron...[2019-12-21]
- A Palladium(II)-Catalyzed CH Activation Cascade Sequence for Polyheterocycle Formati...[2019-12-21]
- Facile Net Cycloaddition Approach to Optically Active 1,5‑Benzothiazepines-2015-4-23[2019-12-21]
- Catalytic Chemo‑, Regio‑, and Enantioselective Bromochlorination of Allylic Alcohol...[2019-12-21]
- Selective Cyclization of Arylnitrones to Indolines under External Oxidant-Free Condit...[2019-12-21]
- Alkyne Hydroacylation: Switching Regioselectivity by Tandem Ruthenium Catalysis-2015-...[2019-12-21]
- Single-Electron Transmetalation: An Enabling Technology for Secondary Alkylboron Cros...[2019-12-21]
- Endo-Selective Pd-Catalyzed Silyl Methyl Heck Reaction-2014-12-24[2019-12-21]
- Catalytic Divergent Synthesis of 3H or 1H Pyrroles by [3+2] Cyclization of Allenoates...[2019-12-21]
- Simple, Chemoselective, Catalytic Olefin Isomerization-2014-12-17[2019-12-21]
- Tungsten-Catalyzed Regio- and Enantioselective Aminolysis of trans-2,3-Epoxy Alcohols...[2019-12-21]
- Modular o‑Quinone Catalyst System for Dehydrogenation of Tetrahydroquinolines under ...[2019-12-21]
- Silver-Catalyzed Radical Fluorination of Alkylboronates in Aqueous Solution-2014-11-1...[2019-12-21]
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