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Single-Electron-Transfer-Induced C(sp3)-N Couplings via C-C Bond Cleavage of Cycloketoxime Esters

Release time:2019-06-13    clicks:489

The group publishes a Single-Electron-Transfer-Induced C(sp3)-N Couplings via C-C Bond Cleavage of Cycloketoxime Esters on J. Org. Chem.. Congrats Zhao!

ABSTRACT: A practical single-electron-transfer-induced selectiveC(sp3)?N coupling of cycloketoximes with anilines via C?Cbond cleavage under copper-catalytic and synergetic photoredox/copper-catalytic reaction systems has been uncovered. These twopowerful and simple protocols demonstrated excellent selectivityand good functional group compatibility without any base or ligand control. Preliminary mechanistic experiments indicated thata radical-mediated process was involved in these transformations.