
2020 APS Fellow

Professor at School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Nanjing University (2004, 02-present)

Visiting Professor at Hiroshima University (2007, 01 - 2007, 03)

Post-doctor at FOM Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics (2001, 04 - 2004, 02)

Post-doctor at Department of Chemistry, the University of Tennessee (2000, 04 - 2001, 04)

Lecturer at Department of Macromolecular Science, Fudan University, (1995, 01 - 2000, 04)

Post-doctor at Physikalisches Institut, Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg (1998, 07 - 1999, 07)

Ph.D at Department of Macromolecular Science, Fudan University (1995, 01)

Bachelor at Department of Materials Science, Fudan University (1989, 06)

Research Interest

*Chain-Folding in Polymer Crystals

*Interplay between Polymer Crystallization and Liquid-Liquid Demixing

*Nano-Confined Polymer Crystallization

*Oriented Polymer Crystallization

*New Insight into Deformation of Driven Polymer

*Combining Fast-Scan DSC with Molecular Simulations


*Undergraduate course: Structure and Property of Polymers

Course website (Chinese):

*Graduate course: Ordered Polymer Materials

*Freshman course: Macromolecules: From Materials to Life

Course website (Chinese):

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