(26 Apr 2020)祝贺孙广平博士的研究成果 “ Highly efficient artificial light-harvesting system with two-step sequential energy transfer based on supramolecular self-assembly 被 Journal of Materials Chemistry A (Impact factor: 10.7)接收。 (18 Mar 2020) 祝贺我组助理研究员程明、硕士研究生钱程的研究成果Writable and Self-erasable Hydrogel Based on Dissipative AssemblyProcess from Multiple Carboxyl Tetraphenylethylene Derivative被ACS Materials Letters接收。 (1 Mar 2020)祝贺陈远博士的研究成果 “ Competitive Selection of Conformation Chirality of Water-Soluble Pillar[5]arene Induced by Amino Acid Derivatives 被 Organic Letters接收。 (29 Feb 2020)疫情面前,停课不停学。课题组通过“云会议”的方式组织了新学期的第一次组会。 (1 Jan 2020) 新年到来之际,课题组全体成员在新街口相聚吃年夜饭, 回首2019,展望2020,不忘初心继续前进,在欢乐祥和的氛围中喜迎新年。
14 Dec. 2019 | 9:00 AM | H201 Chemical Building |
Prof. Mir Wais Hosseini | Chirality in Molecular Tectonics
13 Dec. 2019 | 10:00 AM | H201 Chemical Building |
Prof. Mir Wais Hosseini | Molecular Turnstiles
12 Dec. 2019 | 16:00 PM | H201 Chemical Building |
Prof. Mir Wais Hosseini | Molecular Tectonics: from tectons to crystal welding
Université de Strasbourg | (Poster) | (News) |
23 Oct. 2019 | 10:00 AM | H201 Chemical Building |
Prof. Boris Vauzeilles | Bringing pathogens to light
Université Paris-Saclay | (Poster) | (News) |
27 May. 2019 | 10:00 AM | G211 Chemical Building |
Prof. Jochen Niemeyer | Chiral Brønsted acids: What can be gained from multifunctional systems forchemosensing and organocatalysis? |